GetOne($query); $gurl = $row['editcon']; if ($gurl == '') $gurl = 'article_edit.php'; header("location:{$gurl}?aid=$aid"); exit(); } /*-------------------------- //浏览文档 function viewArchives(){ } ---------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == "viewArchives") { $aid = preg_replace("#[^0-9]#", '', $aid); //获取主表信息 $query = "SELECT arc.*,ch.maintable,ch.addtable,ch.issystem,ch.editcon, tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.sitepath,tp.siteurl FROM `#@__arctiny` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch ON WHERE'$aid' "; $trow = $dsql->GetOne($query); $trow['maintable'] = (trim($trow['maintable']) == '' ? '#@__archives' : trim($trow['maintable'])); if ($trow['issystem'] != -1) { $arcQuery = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.sitepath,tp.siteurl FROM `{$trow['maintable']}` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp on LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch on WHERE'$aid' "; $arcRow = $dsql->GetOne($arcQuery); PutCookie('DedeUserID', $arcRow['mid'], 1800); PutCookie('DedeLoginTime', time(), 1800); if ($arcRow['ismake'] == -1 || $arcRow['corank'] != 0 || $arcRow['arcrank'] != 0 || ($arcRow['typeid'] == 0 && $arcRow['channel'] != -1) || $arcRow['money'] > 0) { echo ""; exit(); } } else { $arcRow['id'] = $aid; $arcRow['typeid'] = $trow['typeid']; $arcRow['senddate'] = $trow['senddate']; $arcRow['title'] = ''; $arcRow['ismake'] = 1; $arcRow['arcrank'] = $trow['corank']; $arcRow['namerule'] = $trow['namerule']; $arcRow['typedir'] = $trow['typedir']; $arcRow['money'] = 0; $arcRow['filename'] = ''; $arcRow['moresite'] = $trow['moresite']; $arcRow['siteurl'] = $trow['siteurl']; $arcRow['sitepath'] = $trow['sitepath']; } $arcurl = GetFileUrl( $arcRow['id'], $arcRow['typeid'], $arcRow['senddate'], $arcRow['title'], $arcRow['ismake'], $arcRow['arcrank'], $arcRow['namerule'], $arcRow['typedir'], $arcRow['money'], $arcRow['filename'], $arcRow['moresite'], $arcRow['siteurl'], $arcRow['sitepath'] ); $arcfile = GetFileUrl( $arcRow['id'], $arcRow['typeid'], $arcRow['senddate'], $arcRow['title'], $arcRow['ismake'], $arcRow['arcrank'], $arcRow['namerule'], $arcRow['typedir'], $arcRow['money'], $arcRow['filename'] ); if (preg_match("#^http:#", $arcfile)) { $arcfile = preg_replace("#^http:\/\/([^\/]*)\/#i", '/', $arcfile); } $truefile = GetTruePath() . $arcfile; if (!file_exists($truefile)) { MakeArt($aid, TRUE); } echo ""; exit(); } /*-------------------------- //异步上传缩略图 function uploadLitpic(){ } ---------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == "uploadLitpic") { $upfile = AdminUpload('litpic', 'imagelit', 0, false); if ($upfile == '-1') { $msg = ""; } else if ($upfile == '-2') { $msg = ""; } else if ($upfile == '0') { $msg = ""; } else { if (!empty($cfg_uplitpic_cut) && $cfg_uplitpic_cut == 'N') { $msg = ""; } else { $msg = ""; } } echo $msg; exit(); } /*-------------------------- //推荐文档 function commendArchives(){ } ---------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == "commendArchives") { CheckPurview('a_Commend,sys_ArcBatch'); if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) { $qstr = $aid; } if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg("参数无效!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } $arcids = preg_replace("#[^0-9,]#", '', preg_replace("#`#", ',', $qstr)); $query = "SELECT,arc.typeid,ch.issystem,ch.maintable,ch.addtable FROM `#@__arctiny` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp on LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch on WHERE in($arcids) "; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute(); while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { $aid = $row['id']; if ($row['issystem'] != -1) { $maintable = (trim($row['maintable']) == '' ? '#@__archives' : trim($row['maintable'])); $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT flag FROM `{$maintable}` WHERE id='$aid' "); $flag = ($arr['flag'] == '' ? 'c' : $arr['flag'] . ',c'); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" UPDATE `{$maintable}` SET `flag`='$flag' WHERE id='{$aid}' "); } else { $maintable = trim($row['addtable']); $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT flag From `{$maintable}` where aid='$aid' "); $flag = ($arr['flag'] == '' ? 'c' : $arr['flag'] . ',c'); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" UPDATE `{$maintable}` SET `flag`='$flag' WHERE aid='{$aid}' "); } } ShowMsg("成功把所选的文档设为推荐!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } /*-------------------------- //生成HTML function makeArchives(); ---------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == "makeArchives") { CheckPurview('sys_MakeHtml,sys_ArcBatch'); if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg('参数无效!', $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } require_once(DEDEADMIN . '/inc/inc_archives_functions.php'); $qstrs = explode('`', $qstr); $i = 0; foreach ($qstrs as $aid) { $i++; $pageurl = MakeArt($aid, false); } ShowMsg("成功更新指定 $i 个文件...", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } /*-------------------------- //审核文档 function checkArchives() { } ---------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == "checkArchives") { CheckPurview('a_Check,a_AccCheck,sys_ArcBatch'); require_once(DEDEADMIN . "/inc/inc_archives_functions.php"); if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg("参数无效!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } $arcids = preg_replace("#[^0-9,]#", '', preg_replace("#`#", ',', $qstr)); $query = "SELECT,arc.typeid,ch.issystem,ch.maintable,ch.addtable FROM `#@__arctiny` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch ON WHERE in($arcids) "; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute('ckall'); while ($row = $dsql->GetArray('ckall')) { $aid = $row['id']; $maintable = (trim($row['maintable']) == '' ? '#@__archives' : trim($row['maintable'])); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `#@__arctiny` SET arcrank='0' WHERE id='$aid' "); if ($row['issystem'] == -1) { $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `" . trim($row['addtable']) . "` SET arcrank='0' WHERE aid='$aid' "); } else { $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `$maintable` SET arcrank='0', dutyadmin='" . $cuserLogin->getUserID() . "' WHERE id='$aid' "); } $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `#@__taglist` SET arcrank='0' WHERE aid='$aid' "); $pageurl = MakeArt($aid, false); } ShowMsg("成功审核指定的文档!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } /*-------------------------- //删除文档 function delArchives(){ } ---------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == "delArchives") { CheckPurview('a_Del,a_AccDel,a_MyDel,sys_ArcBatch'); require_once(DEDEINC . "/oxwindow.class.php"); if (empty($fmdo)) $fmdo = ''; if ($fmdo == 'yes') { if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) { $qstr = $aid; } if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg("参数无效!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } $qstrs = explode("`", $qstr); $okaids = array(); foreach ($qstrs as $aid) { if (!isset($okaids[$aid])) { DelArc($aid); } else { $okaids[$aid] = 1; } } ShowMsg("成功删除指定的文档!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } else { $wintitle = "文档管理-删除文档"; $wecome_info = "文档管理::删除文档"; $win = new OxWindow(); $win->Init("archives_do.php", "js/blank.js", "POST"); $win->AddHidden("fmdo", "yes"); $win->AddHidden("dopost", $dopost); $win->AddHidden("qstr", $qstr); $win->AddHidden("aid", $aid); $win->AddTitle("你确实要删除“ $qstr 和 $aid ”这些文档?"); $winform = $win->GetWindow("ok"); $win->Display(); } } /*----------------------------- function moveArchives(){ } ------------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == 'moveArchives') { CheckPurview('sys_ArcBatch'); if (empty($totype)) { require_once(DEDEINC . '/typelink.class.php'); if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; AjaxHead(); $channelid = empty($channelid) ? 0 : $channelid; $tl = new TypeLink($aid); $typeOptions = $tl->GetOptionArray(0, $admin_catalogs, $channelid); $typeOptions = ""; //输出AJAX可移动窗体 $divname = 'moveArchives'; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; ?>
GetOne("SELECT tp.channeltype,tp.ispart,tp.channeltype,ch.maintable,ch.addtable,ch.issystem FROM `#@__arctype` tp LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch on WHERE'$totype' "); $idtype = "id"; if (!is_array($typeInfos)) { ShowMsg('参数错误!', '-1'); exit(); } if ($typeInfos['ispart'] != 0) { ShowMsg('文档保存的栏目必须为最终列表栏目!', '-1'); exit(); } if (empty($typeInfos['addtable'])) { $typeInfos['maintable'] = '#@__archives'; } //增加单表模型判断 if ($typeInfos['issystem'] == -1) { $typeInfos['maintable'] = $typeInfos['addtable']; $idtype = "aid"; } $arcids = preg_replace("#[^0-9,]#", '', preg_replace("#`#", ',', $qstr)); $arc = ''; $j = 0; $okids = array(); $dsql->SetQuery("SELECT {$idtype},typeid FROM `{$typeInfos['maintable']}` WHERE {$idtype} in($arcids) AND channel='{$typeInfos['channeltype']}' "); $dsql->Execute(); while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { if ($row['typeid'] != $totype) { $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `#@__arctiny` SET typeid='$totype' WHERE id='{$row[$idtype]}' "); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `{$typeInfos['maintable']}` SET typeid='$totype' WHERE id='{$row[$idtype]}' "); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `{$typeInfos['addtable']}` SET typeid='$totype' WHERE aid='{$row[$idtype]}' "); $okids[] = $row[$idtype]; $j++; } } //更新HTML foreach ($okids as $aid) { $arc = new Archives($aid); $arc->MakeHtml(); } ShowMsg("成功移动 $j 个文档!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } } /*----------------------------- //还原文档 function RbReturnArchives(){ } ------------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == 'return') { CheckPurview('a_Del,a_AccDel,a_MyDel,sys_ArcBatch'); require_once(DEDEINC . "/oxwindow.class.php"); if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg("参数无效!", "recycling.php"); exit(); } $qstrs = explode("`", $qstr); foreach ($qstrs as $aid) { $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `#@__archives` SET arcrank='-1',ismake='0' WHERE id='$aid'"); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `#@__arctiny` SET `arcrank` = '-1' WHERE id = '$aid'; "); } ShowMsg("成功还原指定的文档!", "recycling.php"); exit(); } /*----------------------------- //清空文档 function RbClearArchives(){ } ------------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == 'clear') { CheckPurview('a_Del,a_AccDel,a_MyDel,sys_ArcBatch'); require_once(DEDEINC . "/oxwindow.class.php"); if (empty($fmdo)) $fmdo = ''; $recycle = empty($recycle) ? "" : $recycle; if ($fmdo == 'yes') { if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg("参数无效!", "recycling.php"); exit(); } $qstrs = explode(",", $qstr); $okaids = array(); foreach ($qstrs as $qstr) { if (!isset($okaids[$qstr])) { DelArc($qstr, "OK", FALSE, $recycle); $okaids[$qstr] = $qstr; } else { $okaids[$qstr] = 1; } } ShowMsg("成功删除指定的文档!", "recycling.php"); exit(); } else { $dsql->SetQuery("SELECT id FROM `#@__archives` WHERE `arcrank` = '-2'"); $dsql->Execute(); $qstr = ''; while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { $qstr .= $row['id'] . ","; $aid = $row['id']; } $num = $dsql->GetTotalRow(); if (empty($num)) { ShowMsg("对不起,未发现相关文档!", "recycling.php"); exit(); } $wintitle = "文档管理-清空所有文档"; $wecome_info = "文档回收站::清空所有文档"; $win = new OxWindow(); $win->Init("archives_do.php", "js/blank.js", "POST"); $win->AddHidden("fmdo", "yes"); $win->AddHidden("dopost", $dopost); $win->AddHidden("qstr", $qstr); $win->AddHidden("aid", $aid); $win->AddHidden("recycle", $recycle); $win->AddTitle("本次操作将清空回收站所有共 $num 篇文档
你确实要永久删除“ $qstr ”这些文档?"); $winform = $win->GetWindow("ok"); $win->Display(); } } /*----------------------------- //清除文档 function RbDelArchives(){ } ------------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == 'del') { CheckPurview('a_Del,a_AccDel,a_MyDel,sys_ArcBatch'); require_once(DEDEINC . "/oxwindow.class.php"); if (empty($fmdo)) $fmdo = ''; $recycle = empty($recycle) ? "" : $recycle; if ($fmdo == 'yes') { if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg("参数无效!", "recycling.php"); exit(); } $qstrs = explode("`", $qstr); $okaids = array(); foreach ($qstrs as $aid) { if (!isset($okaids[$aid])) { DelArc($aid, "OK", "", $recycle); } else { $okaids[$aid] = 1; } } ShowMsg("成功删除指定的文档!", "recycling.php"); exit(); } else { $wintitle = "文档管理-删除文档"; $wecome_info = "文档管理::删除文档"; $win = new OxWindow(); $win->Init("archives_do.php", "js/blank.js", "POST"); $win->AddHidden("fmdo", "yes"); $win->AddHidden("dopost", $dopost); $win->AddHidden("qstr", $qstr); $win->AddHidden("aid", $aid); $win->AddHidden("recycle", $recycle); $win->AddTitle("你确实要永久删除“ $qstr 和 $aid ”这些文档?"); $winform = $win->GetWindow("ok"); $win->Display(); } } /*----------------------------- //快速编辑 function quickEdit(){ } ------------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == 'quickEdit') { require_once(DEDEADMIN . "/inc/inc_catalog_options.php"); AjaxHead(); $query = "SELECT ch.typename as channelname,ch.addtable,ar.membername as rankname,arc.* FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch ON LEFT JOIN `#@__arcrank` ar ON ar.rank=arc.arcrank WHERE'$aid' "; $arcRow = $dsql->GetOne($query); $divname = 'quickEdit'; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; ?>
 所属栏目: getUserChannel(), $arcRow['channel']); echo ""; ?>
 属 性: ' /> SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `#@__arcatt` ORDER BY sortid ASC"); $dsql->Execute(); while ($trow = $dsql->GetObject()) { if ($trow->att == 'j' || $trow->att == 'p') continue; if (preg_match("#" . $trow->att . "#", $arcRow['flag'])) echo " "; else echo " "; } ?>
 标 题:
 阅读权限: 需要金币:" style="width:80px" />
getUserID()); } } $title = dede_htmlspecialchars(cn_substrR($title, $cfg_title_maxlen)); $shorttitle = cn_substrR($shorttitle, 36); $keywords = trim(cn_substrR($keywords, 60)); if (!TestPurview('a_Check,a_AccCheck,a_MyCheck')) $arcrank = -1; $adminid = $cuserLogin->getUserID(); //属性处理 $flag = isset($flags) ? join(',', $flags) : ''; if (!empty($flag)) { if (preg_match("#p#", $oldflag)) $flag .= ',p'; if (preg_match("#j#", $oldflag)) $flag .= ',j'; } /* else { $flag = $oldflag; } */ $query = "UPDATE `#@__archives` SET typeid = '$typeid', flag = '$flag', arcrank = '$arcrank', money = '$money', title = '$title', shorttitle = '$shorttitle', keywords = '$keywords', dutyadmin = '$adminid' WHERE id = '$aid'; "; //更新主表 $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); //更新微表 $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" UPDATE `#@__arctiny` SET typeid='$typeid',arcrank='$arcrank' WHERE id='$aid' "); //更新附加表 if ($typeid != $oldtypeid) { $addtable = trim($addtable); if (empty($addtable)) $addtable = '#@__addonarticle'; else $addtable = preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9__#@-]#i", "", $addtable); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" UPDATE `$addtable` SET typeid='$typeid' WHERE aid='$aid' "); } //更新HTML $artUrl = MakeArt($aid, TRUE, TRUE); $backurl = !empty($_COOKIE['ENV_GOBACK_URL']) ? $_COOKIE['ENV_GOBACK_URL'] : '-1'; ShowMsg('成功更新一篇文档的基本信息!', $backurl); exit(); } /*-------------------------- 分析并自动获取文档关键词 function makekw(){ } --------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == "makekw") { CheckPurview('a_Commend,sys_ArcBatch'); if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg("参数无效!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } $arcids = preg_replace("#[^0-9,]#", '', preg_replace("#`#", ',', $qstr)); $query = "SELECT arc.*, addt.* From `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__addonarticle` addt ON WHERE in($arcids) AND "; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute(); if (!empty($cfg_bizcore_appid) && !empty($cfg_bizcore_key)) { $client = new DedeBizClient($cfg_bizcore_hostname, $cfg_bizcore_port); $client->appid = $cfg_bizcore_appid; $client->key = $cfg_bizcore_key; while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { //跳过已经有关键字的内容 if (trim($row['keywords']) != '') continue; $aid = $row['id']; $keywords = ''; $title = $row['title']; $description = $row['description']; $body = cn_substr($row['body'], 5000); $data = $client->Spliteword($title . Html2Text($body)); $keywords = $data->data; $description = str_replace(' ', ' ', trim($description)); $description = str_replace('[', ' ', $description); $description = str_replace(']', ' ', $description); $description = preg_replace("#[ \r\n\t]{1,}#is", ' ', $description); $description = str_replace('关键字', '', $description); $description = str_replace('关键词', '', $description); $description = addslashes($description); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" UPDATE `#@__archives` SET `keywords`='$keywords',`description`='$description' WHERE id='{$aid}' "); } $client->Close(); } else { include_once(DEDEINC . '/splitword.class.php'); $sp = new SplitWord($cfg_soft_lang, $cfg_soft_lang); while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { //跳过已经有关键字的内容 if (trim($row['keywords']) != '') continue; $aid = $row['id']; $keywords = ''; $title = $row['title']; $description = $row['description']; $body = cn_substr($row['body'], 5000); $sp->SetSource($title, $cfg_soft_lang, $cfg_soft_lang); $sp->StartAnalysis(); $titleindexs = preg_replace("/#p#|#e#/", '', $sp->GetFinallyIndex()); $sp->SetSource(Html2Text($body), $cfg_soft_lang, $cfg_soft_lang); $sp->StartAnalysis(); $allindexs = preg_replace("/#p#|#e#/", '', $sp->GetFinallyIndex()); if (is_array($allindexs) && is_array($titleindexs)) { foreach ($titleindexs as $k => $v) { if (strlen($keywords . $k) >= 60) { break; } else { if (strlen($k) <= 2) continue; $keywords .= $k . ','; } } foreach ($allindexs as $k => $v) { if (strlen($keywords . $k) >= 60) { break; } else if (!in_array($k, $titleindexs)) { if (strlen($k) <= 2) continue; $keywords .= $k . ','; } } } $description = str_replace(' ', ' ', trim($description)); $description = str_replace('[', ' ', $description); $description = str_replace(']', ' ', $description); $description = preg_replace("#[ \r\n\t]{1,}#is", ' ', $description); $description = str_replace('关键字', '', $description); $description = str_replace('关键词', '', $description); $description = addslashes($description); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" UPDATE `#@__archives` SET `keywords`='$keywords',`description`='$description' WHERE id='{$aid}' "); } $sp = null; } ShowMsg("成功分析指定文档的关键词!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } /*-------------------------- //批量增加属性 function attsAdd(){ } ---------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == 'attsAdd') { CheckPurview('a_Commend,sys_ArcBatch'); if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg("参数无效!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } if (empty($flagname)) { ShowMsg("必须指定要添加的属性!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } $arcids = preg_replace("#[^0-9,]#", '', preg_replace("#`#", ',', $qstr)); $query = "SELECT,arc.typeid,ch.issystem,ch.maintable,ch.addtable FROM `#@__arctiny` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch ON WHERE in($arcids) "; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute(); while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { $aid = $row['id']; if ($row['issystem'] != -1) { $maintable = (trim($row['maintable']) == '' ? '#@__archives' : trim($row['maintable'])); $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT flag FROM `{$maintable}` WHERE id='$aid' "); $flag = ($arr['flag'] == '' ? $flagname : $arr['flag'] . ',' . $flagname); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" UPDATE `{$maintable}` SET `flag`='$flag' WHERE id='{$aid}' "); } else { $maintable = trim($row['addtable']); $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT flag FROM `{$maintable}` WHERE aid='$aid' "); $flag = ($arr['flag'] == '' ? $flagname : $arr['flag'] . ',' . $flagname); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" UPDATE `{$maintable}` SET `flag`='$flag' WHERE aid='{$aid}' "); } } ShowMsg("成功对选中文档增加指定的属性!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } /*-------------------------- //批量删除属性 function attsDel(){ } ---------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == 'attsDel') { CheckPurview('a_Commend,sys_ArcBatch'); if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; if ($qstr == '') { ShowMsg("参数无效!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } if (empty($flagname)) { ShowMsg("必须指定要删除的属性!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } $arcids = preg_replace("#[^0-9,]#", '', preg_replace("#`#", ',', $qstr)); $query = "SELECT,arc.typeid,ch.issystem,ch.maintable,ch.addtable FROM `#@__arctiny` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch ON WHERE in($arcids) "; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute(); while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { $aid = $row['id']; if ($row['issystem'] != -1) { $idname = 'id'; $maintable = (trim($row['maintable']) == '' ? '#@__archives' : trim($row['maintable'])); $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT flag FROM `{$maintable}` WHERE id='$aid' "); } else { $idname = 'aid'; $maintable = trim($row['addtable']); $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT flag FROM `{$maintable}` WHERE aid='$aid' "); } $flag = $arr['flag']; if (trim($flag) == '' || !preg_match("#" . $flagname . "#", $flag)) { continue; } else { $flags = explode(',', $flag); $okflags = array(); foreach ($flags as $f) { if ($f != $flagname) $okflags[] = $f; } } $flag = trim(join(',', $okflags)); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery(" UPDATE `{$maintable}` SET `flag`='$flag' WHERE {$idname}='{$aid}' "); } ShowMsg("成功对选中文档删除指定的属性!", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); exit(); } /*-------------------------- //获得批量属性处理的AJAX窗体 function attsDlg(){ } ---------------------------*/ else if ($dopost == 'attsDlg') { if (!empty($aid) && empty($qstr)) $qstr = $aid; $dojobname = ($dojob == 'attsDel' ? '批量删除属性' : '批量增加属性'); AjaxHead(); //输出AJAX可移动窗体 $divname = 'attsDlg'; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; ?>
 属 性: ' /> SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `#@__arcatt` ORDER BY sortid ASC"); $dsql->Execute(); while ($trow = $dsql->GetObject()) { if ($trow->att == 'j' || $trow->att == 'p') continue; echo ""; } ?>
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; $tus = new TypeUnitSelector(); ?>
ListAllType($channelid); ?>